The unique nutrient applications we put together focus on a thicker, greener, healthier lawn for the entire growing season. Our five and six step programs are built to give the customer options like the addition of our Plus Program that will make your yard stand out on the block all summer long.

Aeration is an important yearly practice to provide your lawn with the best chance for success. An aerated lawn will help control thatch, improve root growth, and open airways for water and fertilizer to reach the lawn's root system. Ask us about our new options for this practice.

Weeds compete with desirable lawn grasses for water, space, light and nutrients. They are very aggressive and can easily take over a lawn if not kept in check. Protect your investment with a customized weed control program that will help eliminate unsightly broadleaf weeds.

Burmood Property Care specializes in industrial bare ground and vegetation control applications for commercial yard locations. This service addresses areas that need a clear and safe work surface free from any vegetation that may be susceptible to fire hazards and site security.

Call us today for a free estimate! We can treat your Ash tree for the Emerald Ash Borer with a high probability of success.

Burmood Property Care offers multiple options for our seeding services. We can rejuvenate your existing lawn with our over seeding and slit seeding process. We can also seed new lawns starting with bare dirt w a specialized seeder or by hydroseeding.​

Servicing commercial properties in and around the Gibbon and Kearney area. We will keep your parking lot, driveway, sidewalks and steps clear of snow.